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Psychological Evaluation

We provide comprehensive and individualized psychological evaluations for adults and children. The evaluation consists of an interview, testing, detailed report with recommendations, and feedback appointment to review findings. 


What is a psychological evaluation? 


What is assessed during a psychological evaluation? 


What happens during an evaluation?


Things to remember for testing day


Wha is a psych eval?

What is a psychological evaluation?

Psychological Evaluations use comprehensive testing batteries to better understand your mental health and personality in order to determine next steps and identify the most appropriate treatment options. 


Our psychologists make diagnoses (when applicable), describe your psychological and behavioral strengths and weaknesses, and make recommendations that can be implemented by families and treatment providers.


Our  providers are licensed psychologists who have doctoral degrees in clinical psychology and are experienced in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests for children, adolescents, and adults. 

What sassessed during a psych eval?

What is assessed during a psychological evaluation?

Each evaluation is tailored to the individual patient and will depend upon the patient’s age and the presenting concerns. The following is a list of mental health conditions that may be assessed:

  • ​Anxiety

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 

  • Depression

  • Obsessive-Compusive Disorder (OCD) 

  • Other mood disorders

  • Personality disorders 

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


What happens?

What happens during an evaluation?

At the beginning of your appointment, your psychologist will meet with you and your family/child in the morning to get a better understanding of your concerns and what questions you have. Based upon the information you provide and the questions you want answered, a specific plan will be designed for the evaluation.


The psychologist will then meet with the patient individually and administer a variety of testing, including those using paper-and-pencil and iPads. The patient may also work with a technician/or a doctoral-level trainee, who are trained in administering psychological tests. 


The patient will be asked to do many different activities and may include:

  • Hands-on activities (e.g., drawing and building with blocks)

  • Emotional assessment: Answering questions about how they’ve been feeling, which may include talking about their friends and family or filling out paper-and-pencil questionnaires


Feedback will usually be provided usually within 2 weeks.  


Things to Remember for Testing Day

​Pediatric Evaluations

  • Have your child get a good night’s sleep the night before the appointment. Try to keep your child from staying up very late, having caffeine the night before, or deviating from the normal routine.

  • Try to have your child eat a good breakfast.

  • Medications should be taken as usual on the testing day, unless otherwise discussed with your clinician. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

  • Your child can bring a water bottle and/or snack to sustain energy throughout the day.

  • Please do not tell your child what time testing will finish. Sometimes children get focused on a certain time and cannot attend appropriately to testing in the afternoon.


Adult Evaluations

  • Try to get a good night's sleep the night before the appointment. Try to avoid staying up very late, having caffeine the night before, or deviating from the normal routine. 

  • Try to eat a good breakfast. 

  • Medications should be taken as usual on the testing day, unless otherwise discussed with your clinician. Please contact us if you have any questions about this. 


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