Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
You have the right to request an independent educational evaluation (IEE) at the school district's expense if your child had an evaluation for special education services and you disagree with the results. If you request an IEE at the school district's expense, the district must ensure that your child receives the IEE or requests a due process hearing to show that its evaluation was appropriate. If the school district is in agreement with an IEE, they should provide you with information about neuropsychologists or psychologists in the area who provide IEEs. You are not required to use these providers, as you have the right to choose your own independent psychologist. Further, the school district should provide you with specific requirements and standards they use for their educational evaluations. If the results of a due process hearing show the school district's evaluation was appropriate, you still have the right to get an IEE at your expense.